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Recycled Electrons - Email on the iPhone


Email on the iPhone

Setting up your email on the iPhone


First choose "settings"

iPhone 01

...then "Mail, Contacts, Calendars...

iPhone 02

When in the accounts area, choose "Add Account"...

...then choose "Other" from the following list...

iPhone 03

...then "Add Mail Account" (derrr)...

iPhone 04

...enter your account information...

(the examples given are good)

iPhone 05

...be sure to choose "POP" as the account type...

if you choose IMAP it will still work on your account, but, your iPhone data charges

will go through the roof and it will chew away at your hosting accounts bandwidth...

iPhone 07a

...next you need to enter the incoming mail server details...

this will be mail.yourdomain.com.au where yourdomain .com.au is your actual domain name

and the mail. part in the front tells it to ask the mail server...

Your username is your email address...

and the password is whatever it is for your email address...

[the simplified detail is only here for those who need it!!]

iPhone 08

...then enter exactly the same into the outgoing mail server fields...

iPhone 09

...tap save, and the iPhone will start checking a few things...

If you haven't spent lots of dollars on a certificate it may protest a little...

but hey,.. this is your email account... tap the "Continue" button...

iPhone 10

...it may complain more than once... tap "Continue"...

iPhone 16

...eventually... you account is set... Yay!!..

iPhone 17

...at this point you can send and receive emails...

iPhone 18

...you can then fiddle with some of the settings if you choose...

if you use a desktop email client, the same settings can be used...

(it just looks different on screen, but they are the same questions)

you may wish to set your desktop mail client to manually send and receive...

this will allow all your mail to hit the iPhone before it is permanently removed by your desktop client...



leaving a copy on the server for a couple of days will give the phone

a chance to get a copy too...

iPhone 19




0 #1 iPhone user 2011-05-03 10:36
well, that worked.

0 #2 another iPhone user 2011-05-10 11:13
thanks, it worked for me too.

the manual send/receive for outlook is a good idea too. thanks again

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